Hi, I'm Jack, a product manager at Better in New York City.

I've developed with a wide variety of languages and technologies including Python, TypeScript, Node, Meteor, Angular, Ionic, D3, Sketch, Cordova, Sass, Latex, jQuery, SQL, Jira, Looker, and Objective-C.

I studied computer science and philosophy at Harvard. I enjoy taking a multidisciplinary approach to solving problems, and I believe that solutions can often be found at the intersection of the technical and the philosophical.

Outside of work, I am an avid reader, traveler, and fitness enthusiast.


Selected work.


SafeSide (startup)

Spring 2017 - Fall 2019

I founded SafeSide, a mobile app and web platform aimed at preventing wrong-site, wrong-patient, and wrong-procedure surgery in hospitals.


CardShare (app)

Spring 2016

A fast, fun, and free way to exchange contact information with people you meet. You can create multiple contact cards, each with its own QR code that others can scan.

Dancing Dots

Dancing Dots (app)

Fall 2014

An addictive game requiring quick thinking. It's simple: tap the dot that doesn't match the others. Sounds easy, right?


iEdline (app)

Summer 2014

A fully-featured mobile app for the educational service Edline that allows students and parents to check grades, view assignments, read school news, and more.


Bond.js (open source)

Winter 2014

A JavaScript screen recorder. Demonstrates how much information companies can track about you on the web, and also serves as a warning to all internet users.

Metacritic Reviews

Metacritic Reviews (app)

Summer 2013

An unofficial mobile app for Metacritic that can retrieve results on movies, tv shows, games, and music.


Springboard (open source)

Summer 2013

A collection of extremely lightweight CSS defaults and utility classes, easily extendable for your website, that will help jumpstart frontend design.


Crambuster (website)

Spring 2013

An educational social networking service designed to enhance the study process by allowing students to collaborate online with their classmates.


Syn (website)

Winter 2013

If you're editing a document or email and trying to think of a synonym for a word, it's really a pain to look it up in a thesaurus. Syn gives you quick and easy thesaurus access for every word in a piece of text and allows you to find replacements in a snap.


Androfications (app)

About to launch

Androfications is a sleek, easy-to-use scheduling app that utilizes flexible speech recognition and dynamic calendar functions to make setting reminders quick and easy.


CSAT (website)

Summer 2012

Originally developed at Mass General Hospital, the Computer Simulation Assessment Tool (CSAT) is a virtual utility that simulates doctor-to-patient psychiatric encounters. I revamped its interface and made backend changes mostly related to security.


Physics+ (app)

Spring 2012

An intelligent app that not only solves your physics equations, but shows all steps in the process. It also utilizes speech recognition technology.


Kinematics+ (app)

Fall 2011

The predecessor to Physics+, Kinematics+ can solve all of the kinematics equations and show its work completely.